Monday, September 16, 2013

Insidious Chapter 2

The Really Late Review of Insidious Chapter 2

   Leigh Whannell has dug his claws into my heart as one of my favorite writer/actors of all time. He's created one of the most imaginative villains of all time in the Saw franchise that he started but now with Insidious Chapters 1 & 2, he's created a world that is fantastic but grounded. 
   Insidious set the standard for PG-13 horror after it came out and Chapter 2 had very big shoes to fill. The most interesting thing about chapter 2 is that it didn't want to fill any shoes but make new shoes from parts of the shoes left by the original movie.
   The heart of this film is evident in the characters. The way every actor falls right back in the roles from 2 years ago. But the writing also has something to do with that. Introducing a new character that is a piece of the puzzle that fits so perfectly was probably a difficult task but one that was worth the pain.
   All in all the film is a sequel that feels like the great next episode of an on going series. It hits most of the marks but misses some too but that's every movie. I give Insidious Chapter 2 a 3.75 furthers out of 5.

-Ted J

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