Friday, September 20, 2013


The Really Late Review of Blow

   I'm not sure why this movie get shat on by all manner of critics. Based the true ravings of a lunatic mind but still based in some fact, Blow is the story of George Jung who was one of the biggest drug pushers in the US. It's really a story of a man who made as much money as he made mistakes. Now this film is definitely not the best or even an Oscar contender but it's also not a bad movie in the slightest. Ray Liotta and Johnny Depp are perfect in their roles with surprisingly good performances by Paul Rubens and Penelope Cruz. Now where the movie is not great is the pacing of the story. It speeds up and slows down like if the film itself was snorting coke. It's like when the film starts to slow down it hits another line and boom back into action. I feel like that is kind of what the film makers were going for but it just feels off. The cinematography gets a bit choppy too though the sets are very well done. All in all the movie is especially good acting wise and really brings you into the story even if it's pacing is off. I give Blow 3.5 white lines out of 5

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