Friday, September 27, 2013

Blade Runner Final Cut

The Really Late Review of Blade Runner: Final Cut

   The classic cyberpunk movie, Blade Runner, is probably one of the best known science fiction movies of all time. Starring Harrison Ford, who at the time was the probably the most typecast actor of all time, in a depressing 80s view of the future. The acting in this movie is overshadowed by the stunning visuals and noir tone. Harrison gives a performance little seen from the A lister. Though the story isn't generic noir fodder, the sub plots of the movie should be the main focus. There are so many elements that lead in many different directions it's very hard to focus on just which character the movie is about. This movie is visually stunning if you look beyond the 80s computers that apparently could do anything. Sarcasm aside I give Blade Runner Final Cut 3.5 skin bags out of 5.

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