Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Wolverine

The Really Late Review of The Wolverine

This is kind of the movie Wolvie fans have wanted for a while. The unfortunate thing is, it's 20 years too late. The film is missing it's heart. It feels like the husk of a great movie. It's quite obvious that it was cut to just barely fit within the PG-13 rating and goes to every limit of that rating but that isn't even what's wrong with the movie. The movie seems to want to play clean up and be a bridge between the original X-Men movies and First Class and it's sequel. It plays more like a footnote to the series than a full movie. The characters are forgettable, the the surprises are regrettable, and the dialogue was unbearable. Seriously someone thought that Wolvie didn't say "bub" enough in the last 5 movies he's been in so they were gonna make up for it this time. It also seems as though instead of healing the scars left over by Origins, the film makers tried to justify The Last Stand. In doing all that they made Wolverine able to access memories he should be able to because of his memory loss which was talked about in X-Men. At least the characters seem genuine and the locations set the tone nicely. The action scenes were decent but never give you what you really want. All in all the movie had potential but fell from grace. Still a better solo wolverine film than Origins. I give The Wolverine 3 claw blades out of 5.

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