Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Strangers

The Really Late Review of The Strangers

No this isn't a gay porn. It's actually a decent yet failed attempt at indie horror. The problems with the movie are pretty numerous so let's start with the good things before the bad. The movie is visually a treat for the eyes with a great use of focus throughout. The movie is also genuinely scary with out resorting to jump scares as it's main form of frightening activity. Now the bad stuff. Liv Tyler, who is on my celeb top 20 list... Not best actors list but the other one that includes Rosario Dawson, Jessica Alba, and Charisma Carpenter... Yeah that list... But seriously she chews the scene like Shatner. Also the it just so happens factor is ridiculous. You know that factor, where it just so happens that... Which moves the plot along in a less realistic manor. Finally, the story is set up in a way that makes you feel that death would be welcomed by the main characters just because of the embarrassment they endured before hand. I give The Strangers 2.5 masked psychos out of 5.


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